Results for 'Chicago Cultural Studies Group'

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  1.  45
    Critical Multiculturalism.Chicago Cultural Studies Group - 1992 - Critical Inquiry 18 (3):530.
    We would like to open some questions here about the institutional and cultural conditions of anything that might be called cultural studies or multiculturalism. By introducing cultural studies and multiculturalism many intellectuals aim at a more democratic culture. We share this aim. In this essay, however, we would like to argue that the projects of cultural studies and multiculturalism require: a more international model of cultural studies than the dominant Anglo-American versions; (...)
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    The Chicago Women's Graphics Collective: A Memoir.Estelle Carol - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (1):104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:104 Feminist Studies 44, no. 1. © 2018 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Estelle Carol The Chicago Women’s Graphics Collective: A Memoir In 1973, the Chicago Women’s Graphics Collective worked in an old run-down second-floor office on Belmont Avenue, which we shared with the main offices of the Chicago Women’s Liberation Union (CWLU).1 They call it New Town now, but in 1973, there wasn’t much (...)
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  3. (1 other version)The Importance of Feminist Critique for Contemporary Cell Biology.the Biology Group & Gender Study - 1988 - Hypatia 3 (1):61-76.
    Biology is seen not merely as a privileged oppressor of women but as a co-victim of masculinist social assumptions. We see feminist critique as one of the normative controls that any scientist must perform whenever analyzing data, and we seek to demonstrate what has happened when this control has not been utilized. Narratives of fertilization and sex determination traditionally have been modeled on the cultural patterns of male/female interaction, leading to gender associations being placed on cells and their components. (...)
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    The Annual Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies: Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 29-30 October 2010.Sandra Costen Kunz - 2011 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 31:221-223.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Annual Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies:Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 29-30 October 2010Sandra Costen KunzThis past fall the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies (SBCS) presented two sessions at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion (AAR) in Atlanta, Georgia. On Friday afternoon, 29 October, an extremely well-attended and in many ways inspiring session titled "The Scholarly Contributions of Rita M. Gross" was presented. The second (...)
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    Trends in philosophical anthropology and cultural anthropology in postwar germany.Hermann Wein - 1957 - Philosophy of Science 24 (1):46-56.
    The semantic confusion in Europe about the term “anthropology” has of late been considerable. On the one hand there is meant by it, and quite justifiably, human biology and medical anthropology. On the other hand, the work of some contemporary thinkers, under the name of “philosophical anthropology,” has recently gone beyond the narrower compass. This has been noticeable at both the German and the international European philosophical conventions since the last war. In addition to this, there appeared the term “Kulturanthropologie,”—for (...)
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    A Cross‐Cultural Study of Color‐Grouping: Tests of the Perceptual‐Physiology Account of Color Universals.Ian Davies & Greville Corbett - 1998 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 26 (3):338-360.
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  7. Cultural Studies and Ethics.Douglas Kellner - unknown
    The movement of cultural studies that has been a global phenomenon of great importance over the last decade was inaugurated by the University of Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies in 1963/64 led at the time by Richard Hoggart (1958) and Stuart Hall. During this period, the Centre developed a variety of critical approaches for the analysis, interpretation, and criticism of cultural artifacts. Through a set of internal debates, and responding to social struggles and movements (...)
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    The India Face Set: International and Cultural Boundaries Impact Face Impressions and Perceptions of Category Membership.Anjana Lakshmi, Bernd Wittenbrink, Joshua Correll & Debbie S. Ma - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper serves three specific goals. First, it reports the development of an Indian Asian face set, to serve as a free resource for psychological research. Second, it examines whether the use of pre-tested U.S.-specific norms for stimulus selection or weighting may introduce experimental confounds in studies involving non-U.S. face stimuli and/or non-U.S. participants. Specifically, it examines whether subjective impressions of the face stimuli are culturally dependent, and the extent to which these impressions reflect social stereotypes and ingroup favoritism. (...)
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  9.  16
    Cross-Cultural Study of the Attitudes of Russian and Chinese Consumers Toward Electric Vehicles.Fei Zhao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    AimThe article presents the results of a study of psychological factors of consumer loyalty concerning electric vehicles. An electric scooter was used as an example of an electric vehicle. The study involved a total of 165 people in China and 150 people in Russia. The study aimed to compare the psychological characteristics of Russian and Chinese consumers based on their attitudes toward an innovative product such as the electric scooter.Hypotheses The identity of Russian and Chinese consumers and the perceived individuality (...)
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  10.  54
    Lotman and cultural studies.Andreas Schönle - 2002 - Sign Systems Studies 30 (2):429-438.
    This paper seeks to evaluate the extent to which Lotman’s theoretical works could provide a conceptual articulation to the project of British and American cultural studies (CS). Just as CS, Lotman operates with an extensive concept of culture, albeit one mostly limited to nobility culture and focused on the past. His late works can be seen to articulate a semiotic theory of power: his emphasis on the relationship between center and periphery recalls the infatuation with marginality that underpins (...)
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    Cultural studies.Arturo Arias - 2009 - In Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte & Otávio Bueno, A Companion to Latin American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 425–438.
    This chapter contains sections titled: References.
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  12.  57
    Myths of Violence in American Popular Culture.John G. Cawelti - 1975 - Critical Inquiry 1 (3):521-541.
    The chief difficulty with most social and psychological studies of violence lies in their assumption that violence is essentially a simple act of aggression that can be treated outside of a more complex moral and dramatic context. This may be the case with news reports of war, murder, assault, and other forms of violent crime, but it is certainly not a very adequate way to treat the fictional violence of a western, a detective story, or a gangster saga. It (...)
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    The self can be associated with novel faces of in-group and out-group members: A cross-cultural study.Mario Dalmaso, Michele Vicovaro, Akira Sarodo & Katsumi Watanabe - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 125 (C):103764.
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    Peter Lewis Allen. The Wages of Sin: Sex and Disease, Past and Present. xxiii + 202 pp., figs., table, bibl., index.Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000. $25. [REVIEW]Philip Wilson - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):96-97.
    In six chapters of uneven length, Peter Lewis Allen, a former literature professor and public policy activist, offers a highly readable romp through two millennia of beliefs and attitudes regarding sin, sex, and disease. In particular, Allen draws on religious, medical, and popular literature from different eras in order to exemplify how particular “diseases”—lovesickness, leprosy, syphilis, bubonic plague, and masturbation—were causally connected with thoughts of punishment for sinful behavior. He then extends this theme into a lengthy chapter describing how the (...)
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  15.  54
    Durkheimian Cultural Sociology and Cultural Studies.Kenneth Thompson - 2004 - Thesis Eleven 79 (1):16-24.
    Alexander has made a major contribution to the development of a neo-Durkheimian cultural sociology. Two central elements have been: the semiotic analysis of sacred symbols and rituals that evoke the solidarity attached to the idealized nation; analysis of structures and processes that constitute a civil society. Some questions can be raised. The first concerns the tensions between ethnic-nationalisms and the kind of culture of civil society that is said to be congruent with the liberal-democratic state. Secondly, not all groups (...)
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  16. Consumer Ethics: A Cross-Cultural Study of the Ethical Beliefs of Turkish and American Consumers.Mohammed Y. A. Rawwas, Ziad Swaidan & Mine Oyman - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 57 (2):183-195.
    The ethical climate in Turkey is beset by ethical problems. Bribery, environmental pollution, tax frauds, deceptive advertising, production of unsafe products, and the ethical violations that involved politicians and business professionals are just a few examples. The purpose of this study is to compare and contrast the ethical beliefs of American and Turkish consumers using the Ethical Position Questionnaire (EPQ) of Forsyth (1980), the Machiavellianism scale, and the Consumer Ethical Practices of Muncy and Vitell questionnaire (MVQ). A sample of 376 (...)
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  17.  26
    Profiles of Mathematics Anxiety Among 15-Year-Old Students: A Cross-Cultural Study Using Multi-Group Latent Profile Analysis.Xizhen Fan, Ronald K. Hambleton & Minqiang Zhang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  18.  33
    Intelligence and Intelligibility: Cross-Cultural Studies of Human Cognitive Experience.Geoffrey Ernest Richard Lloyd - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    G. E. R. Lloyd considers how we can resolve the tension that exists between an appreciation of the cognitive capacities that all humans share, and a recognition of the great variety in their manifestations in different individuals and groups--while avoiding the imposition of prior Western assumptions and concepts.
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    What does the disturbance of the United Action Committe reveal? A rebuttal of the criticism of" On Family Background" by the Red Guards of the Attached High School of Tsinghua University (Paper written by Yu Luoke under the pen name the Beijing-Family-Background-Study-Group).L. K. Yu - 2004 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 35 (4):60-75.
    In December of last year, a few clowns appeared on the grand and spectacular stage of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. These clowns were the reincarnated ghosts from the Capital Red Guard West City, East City, and Haidian Districts Pickets. They viciously attacked Chairman Mao's revolutionary line, engaged in slander on the Central Cultural Revolution Group, called dear Comrade Jiang Qing names, and sabotaged the organizations under the proletarian dictatorship. They provoked violence, created chaos, searched and confiscated (...)
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  20. Culture, Perception, and Artistic Visualization: A Comparative Study of Children's Drawings in Three Siberian Cultural Groups.Kirill V. Istomin, Jaroslava Panáková & Patrick Heady - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (1):76-100.
    In a study of three indigenous and non-indigenous cultural groups in northwestern and northeastern Siberia, framed line tests and a landscape drawing task were used to examine the hypotheses that test-based assessments of context sensitivity and independence are correlated with the amount of contextual information contained in drawings, and with the order in which the focal and background objects are drawn. The results supported these hypotheses, and inspection of the regression relationships suggested that the intergroup variations in test performance (...)
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  21.  37
    A Cross-Cultural Study of Argument Orientations of Turkish and American College Students: Is Silence Really Golden and Speech Silver for Turkish Students?Yeliz Demir & Dale Hample - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (4):521-540.
    In this paper, we report on the orientations of Turkish college students to interpersonal arguing and compare them with American students’ predispositions for arguing. In measuring the argument orientations, a group of instruments was utilized: argument motivations, argument frames, and taking conflict personally. Turkish data come from 300 college students who were asked to complete self-report surveys. Analyses contrast the mean scores of the Turkish and American respondents, offer gender-based comparisons in the Turkish data, and show whether religiosity has (...)
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  22.  45
    Structuralism: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies.Jonathan D. Culler (ed.) - 2006 - Routledge.
    Organized thematically, this four-volume collection explores the key areas of structuralism - and with a new introduction by the editor to guide the reader through the work, this is an essential collection of secondary sources that provides a valuable tool for research. Taking as their methodological model the successes of the structural linguistics inaugurated by Ferdinand de Saussure, a group of thinkers in such fields as anthropology, literary and cultural studies, sociology and philosophy developed ambitious programs for (...)
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  23.  1
    Constant ‘physicality – agonistic’ base of human existence and its cultural derivations and inversions.Kaye Academic College of Education Felix Lebed The School of Advanced Studies & Israel Beer-Sheba - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-17.
    In this article, I examine the inversion of essential cultural values, such as physical perfection and the sports spirit, in 20th-century Europe. Periods emerged when physical perfection, once celebrated, morphed into tools for eugenics, racial theories, and ideological segregation. Similarly, the sports spirit became entangled in political and ideological conflicts. I approach this through the Marxist lens of ‘base—superstructure’ relations, focusing on the biological ‘base’, often misinterpreted through social Darwinism. This base is not subject to dialectical changes, does not (...)
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  24.  6
    Theory matters: the place of theory in literary and cultural studies today.Martin Middeke & Christoph Reinfandt (eds.) - 2016 - London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book demonstrates that theory in literary and cultural studies has moved beyond overarching master theories towards a greater awareness of particularity and contingency ℓ́ℓ including its own. What is the place of literary and cultural theory after the Age of Theory has ended? Grouping its chapters into rubrics of metatheory, cultural theory, critical theory and textual theory, the collection demonstrates that the practice of ℓ́ℓdoing theoryℓ́ℓ has neither lost its vitality nor can it be in (...)
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    On chasm (Paper written by Yu Luoke under the pen name the Beijing-Family-Background-Study-Group).L. K. Yu - 2004 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 35 (4):76-90.
    Editor's Note: Over a long period of time, the evil bourgeois reactionary line has created antagonism between two groups of students in schools—antagonism on the basis of one's family background. This antagonism became very obvious during the initial stage of the Cultural Revolution, and has lasted to this day. It has prevented further criticism of the bourgeois reactionary line and hindered further development of the Cultural Revolution.
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  26.  38
    Association between exposure to media and body weight concern among female university students in five arab countries: A preliminary cross-cultural study.Abdulrahman O. Musaiger & Mariam Al-Mannai - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 46 (2):240-247.
    Mass media play an important role in changing body image. This study aimed to determine the role of media (magazines and television) in body weight concern among university females in five Arab countries. A total sample of 1134 female university students was selected at convenience from universities in five Arab countries: Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Oman and Syria. The females' ages ranged from 17 to 32. A pre-tested questionnaire was used to assess the exposure to mass media regarding weight concerns. For (...)
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  27. Cultural appropriation and the intimacy of groups.C. Thi Nguyen & Matthew Strohl - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (4):981-1002.
    What could ground normative restrictions concerning cultural appropriation which are not grounded by independent considerations such as property rights or harm? We propose that such restrictions can be grounded by considerations of intimacy. Consider the familiar phenomenon of interpersonal intimacy. Certain aspects of personal life and interpersonal relationships are afforded various protections in virtue of being intimate. We argue that an analogous phenomenon exists at the level of large groups. In many cases, members of a group engage in (...)
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  28.  37
    A-t-on encore besoin de la politique de l’identité? Réflexions sur les Cultural Studies aujourd’hui.Nelly Quemener - 2019 - Diogène n° 258-259-258 (2-4):38-51.
    Cet article souligne quelques-uns des apports fondamentaux des Cultural Studies de Birmingham, en s’attardant notamment sur le principe d’articulation et la façon dont il permet de penser à nouveaux frais la conflictualité sociale. Il défend que l’armature théorique des Cultural Studies et le cœur de leur projet épistémologique et méthodologique consistent à saisir les déterminations multiples du social et à appréhender les identités et les politiques qui en découlent comme le produit d’une conjoncture historique et d’une (...)
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    Assessing Online Flow Across Cultures: A Two-Fold Measurement Invariance Study.Elwin Hu, Vasileios Stavropoulos, Alastair Anderson, Michael Clarke, Charlotte Beard, Stelios Papapetrou & Rapson Gomez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:430596.
    The association between online Flow and Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has attracted significant attention. Despite the consensus that online Flow plays a pivotal role in the development of IGD and other Internet addictive behaviours, there has been a lack of consistency in measurement scales used to assess online Flow. Even widely used measures of online Flow have not been psychometrically assessed across culturally diverse populations of gamers. Such an assessment would enhance the accuracy of cross-cultural comparisons regarding the association (...)
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  30.  7
    A Study of Traditional Motifs in the Costumes of the Dong Ethnic Group in Qiandongnan: The Evolution and Protection of Cultural Symbols.Xu Sun & Fei Fei Yang - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1094-1106.
    The Dong costume patterns in Qiandongnan have a long history and distinctive regional cultural characteristics, and their patterns contain high cultural and emotional values. Nowadays, the development of traditional patterns and cultural symbols of Dong costumes is facing many new challenges, which require expanding the application carriers of the patterns and giving them a new life. This is the value of inheritance, revitalization, and innovation of costume patterns, as well as a new direction for the development of (...)
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  31.  23
    Measurement Invariance of the Short Home Attachment Scale: A Cross-Cultural Study.Sofya Nartova-Bochaver, Sofia Reznichenko, Vasily Bardadymov, Milana Khachaturova, Victoria Yerofeyeva, Narine Khachatryan, Iryna Kryazh, Shanmukh Kamble & Zulkarnain Zulkarnain - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The home environment is a particularly significant part of life that is supposed to satisfy inhabitants’ needs, form their identity, and contribute to psychological wellbeing. The construct of home attachment is especially relevant for students as a most mobile social group. This study is devoted to the validation of the Short Home Attachment Scale in a student sample from five countries. A total of 1,349 university students participated in the study and filled in the 14 items of HAS. In (...)
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  32.  12
    Organizational Culture and Social climate in Kazakhstani Higher Education Institutions during the COVID-19 Crisis: KazNU Case Study.Aigerim Belyalova & Byong-Soon Chun - 2020 - Cultura 17 (2):151-164.
    The purpose of this study is to analyze the current characteristics of organizational culture and climate in Kazakhstani higher educational institutions during the COVID-19 crisis. Materials for the study were collected from interviews and online discussions published on the website of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. In addition, results from the social monitoring systems of the university’s educational activities as well as an official survey have been used. The study offers details of how Kazakhstani universities dealt with the crisis by presenting (...)
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    Cross-Cultural Emotion Recognition and In-Group Advantage in Vocal Expression: A Meta-Analysis.Petri Laukka & Hillary Anger Elfenbein - 2020 - Emotion Review 13 (1):3-11.
    Most research on cross-cultural emotion recognition has focused on facial expressions. To integrate the body of evidence on vocal expression, we present a meta-analysis of 37 cross-cultural studies...
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  34. Subaltern Christian groups and the crisis of cultural identity-A case study of Christian Pulaya of North Kerala.J. J. Pallath - 1999 - Journal of Dharma 24 (1):51-66.
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  35. Business students' perception of ethics and moral judgment: A cross-cultural study. [REVIEW]Mohamed M. Ahmed, Kun Young Chung & John W. Eichenseher - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 43 (1-2):89 - 102.
    Business relations rely on shared perceptions of what is acceptable/expected norms of behavior. Immense expansion in transnational business made rudimentary consensus on acceptable business practices across cultural boundaries particularly important. Nonetheless, as more and more nations with different cultural and historical experiences interact in the global economy, the potential for misunderstandings based on different expectations is magnified. Such misunderstandings emerge in a growing literature on "improper" business practices – articulated from a narrow cultural perspective. This paper reports (...)
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  36.  82
    Aquinas on Being. By Anthony Kenny. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2002. Pp. x+ 212. Price not given. Before and after Avicenna: Proceedings of the First Conference of the Avicenna Study Group. Edited by David C. Reisman, with the assistance of Ahmed H. al. [REVIEW]Rahim Leiden, Islamic Humanism By Lenn E. Goodman & Letting Go - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (2):277-278.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Books ReceivedAquinas on Being. By Anthony Kenny. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2002. Pp. x + 212. Price not given.Before and after Avicenna: Proceedings of the First Conference of the Avicenna Study Group. Edited by David C. Reisman, with the assistance of Ahmed H. al Rahim. Leiden: Brill, 2003. Pp. xix + 302. Price not given.Beside Still Waters: Jews, Christians, and the Way of the Buddha. Edited by Harold Kasimow, (...)
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    Studying the emergence of complicated group-level cultural traits requires a mathematical framework.Michael Doebeli & Burton Simon - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (3):258-259.
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    Does Group Contact Shape Styles of Pictorial Representation? A Case Study of Australian Rock Art.C. Granito, J. J. Tehrani, J. R. Kendal & T. C. Scott-Phillips - 2022 - Human Nature 33 (3):237-260.
    Image-making is a nearly universal human behavior, yet the visual strategies and conventions to represent things in pictures vary greatly over time and space. In particular, pictorial styles can differ in their degree of figurativeness, varying from intersubjectively recognizable representations of things to very stylized and abstract forms. Are there any patterns to this variability, and what might its ecological causes be? Experimental studies have shown that demography and the structure of interaction of cultural groups can play a (...)
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    An Approach to the Study on the Situation of Cultural Decline in the Fang Ethnic Group of Equatorial Guinea.Bonifacio Nguema Obiang-Mikue - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy 11 (4):111-120.
    Our article aims to analyze the different stages of the Fang culture, particularly the one of Equatorial Guinea in order to know the current situation of the aforementioned culture. It should be said that the Fang is a social group, an ethnic group that belongs to the Bantu trunk. These Fangs developed their culture from an original perspective; that is to say in a raw state before they made contact with Westerners. Culture is a concept that has gone (...)
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    Vienna–Chicago: The cultural transformation of the model system of the un‐opposed molar.Xianghong Luan & Thomas G. H. Diekwisch - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (8):819-830.
    The discussion over the roles of genes and environment on the phenotypical specification of organisms has held a central role in science philosophy since the late 19th century and has re‐emerged in today's debate over genetic determinism and developmental plasticity. In fin‐de‐siecle Vienna, this debate coincided with a philosophical debate over empiricism/materialism versus idealism/vitalism. Turn‐of‐the‐century Vienna's highly interdisciplinary environment was also the birthplace for the model system of the un‐opposed molar. The un‐opposed molar system features new tissue formation at the (...)
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    Students’ attitudes toward euthanasia and abortion: a cross-cultural study in three Mediterranean countries.Ivana Tutić Grokša, Ana Depope, Tijana Trako Poljak, Igor Eterović, Toni Buterin, Robert Doričić, Mariana Gensabella, Maria Laura Giacobello, Josip Guć, Eleni Kalokairinou, Željko Kaluđerović, Iva Rinčić, Ivana Zagorac, Miltiadis Vantsos & Amir Muzur - 2025 - BMC Medical Ethics 26 (1):1-13.
    Abortion and euthanasia are still one of the greatest bioethical challenges. Previous studies have shown that there are differences in attitudes towards these issues depending on socio-demographic characteristics and socio-cultural environment (country of residence). As part of the scientific research project EuroBioMed, we compared the attitudes of students from three Mediterranean countries towards abortion and euthanasia and examined them from the perspective of Mediterranean bioethics. A pen-to-paper survey was conducted on a convenient sample of students (N = 1097) (...)
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    Beyond culture versus politics: A case study of a local women's movement.Suzanne Staggenborg - 2001 - Gender and Society 15 (4):507-530.
    This article goes beyond the debate over whether culture competes with politics in the women's movement to explore the complex relationship between cultural and political action. A case study of the local women's movement in Bloomington, Indiana, provides little evidence that cultural feminism led to a decline in political activity in the women's movement. Rather, the attractiveness of cultural and political activities changes with shifts in political opportunities. During periods of opportunity or threat that stimulate extensive action, (...)
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    Culture, Sex, and Group-Bias in Trait and State Empathy.Qing Zhao, David L. Neumann, Chao Yan, Sandra Djekic & David H. K. Shum - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Empathy is sharing and understanding others’ emotions. Recently, researchers identified a culture–sex interaction effect in empathy. This phenomenon has been largely ignored by previous researchers. In this study, the culture–sex interaction effect was explored with a cohort of 129 participants (61 Australian Caucasians and 68 Chinese Hans) using both self-report questionnaires (i.e., Empathy Quotient and Interpersonal Reactivity Index) and computer-based empathy tasks. In line with the previous findings, the culture–sex interaction effect was observed for both trait empathy (i.e., the generalized (...)
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  44.  20
    Preferences and Perceptions of Workplace Participation: A Cross-Cultural Study.Sherry Jueyu Wu, Bruce Yuhan Mei & Jose Cervantez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Despite the amount of theorization on the forms and effects of participation, relatively little research directly examines what the concept of workplace participation entails in the minds of employees, and whether employees across cultures think positively when the concept of participation is activated in their mental representation. Three studies investigated the perceptions and preferences of full-time employees from the United States and China, cultures that might be expected to differ in their societal participation norm. Using a free association test (...)
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  45. The Congress for Cultural Freedom, Minerva, and the Quest for Instituting “Science Studies” in the Age of Cold War.Elena Aronova - 2012 - Minerva 50 (3):307-337.
    The Congress for Cultural Freedom is remembered as a paramount example of the “cultural cold wars.” In this paper, I discuss the ways in which this powerful transnational organization sought to promote “science studies” as a distinct – and politically relevant – area of expertise, and part of the CCF broader agenda to offer a renewed framework for liberalism. By means of its Study Groups, international conferences and its periodicals, such as Minerva, the Congress developed into an (...)
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    Teaching the history of medicine by case study and small group discussion.Howard Brody & Peter Vinten-Johansen - 1991 - Journal of Medical Humanities 12 (1):19-24.
    A case-study, small-group-discussion (“focal problem”) exercise in the history of medicine was designed, piloted, and evaluated in an overseas course and an on-campus elective course for medical students. Results suggest that this is a feasible approach to teaching history of medicine which can overcome some of the problems often encountered in teaching this subject in the medical curriculum.
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    The Bakhtin Circle: In the Master's Absence.Craig Brandist, David Shepherd, Lecturer in Russian Studies David Shepherd, Galin Tihanov & Junior Research Fellow in Russian and German Intellectual History Galin Tihanov - 2004 - Manchester University Press.
    The Russian philosopher and cultural theorist Mikhail Bakhtin has traditionally been seen as the leading figure in the group of intellectuals known as the Bakhtin Circle. The writings of other members of the Circle are considered much less important than his work, while Bakhtin's achievement has been exaggerated in proportion to the downgrading of the thinkers with whom he associated in the 1920s. This volume, which includes new translations and studies of the work of the most important (...)
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    Rita Gross as Colleague and Collaborator.Nancy Auer Falk - 2011 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 31:63-67.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rita Gross as Colleague and CollaboratorNancy Auer FalkWhen this panel in honor of Rita was first listed in the AAR Annual Meeting program, I found myself listed as Rita's "colleague." This was accurate only in the broadest sense of the term "colleague." I have never worked on the same faculty as Rita or watched her teaching her students. A more appropriate description of my relationship to her would be (...)
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    The Church in Latin America 1492–1992 ed. by Enrique Dussel.Edward L. Cleary - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (2):330-332.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:330 BOOK REVIEWS is the power through which the Holy Spirit creates and nurtures the church, which is the source of all authority in the church, and which is the norm for all that the church teaches and practices. Only then will the use and abuse of power within the contemporary church be addressed in theologically sound and healthy ways. Only then will ecclesiastical divisions be healed and the (...)
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    Promoting Human Subjects Training for Place-Based Communities and Cultural Groups in Environmental Research: Curriculum Approaches for Graduate Student/Faculty Training.Dianne Quigley - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (1):209-226.
    A collaborative team of environmental sociologists, community psychologists, religious studies scholars, environmental studies/science researchers and engineers has been working together to design and implement new training in research ethics, culture and community-based approaches for place-based communities and cultural groups. The training is designed for short and semester-long graduate courses at several universities in the northeastern US. The team received a 3 year grant from the US National Science Foundation’s Ethics Education in Science and Engineering in 2010. This (...)
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